The best type of business networking is always done face-to-face, so that you and the prospective client (or contact) can start to build a relationship.

The 2nd best type of business networking is by phone, but ONLY once you have already established a face-to-face connection.

Today I want to teach you how to use Social Media to further your networking efforts. Social media networking that doesn’t include some face-to-face networking won’t be as effective, but there are some strategies you can employ to help.

Setting Boundaries:

It’s recommended you develop a 90/10 split between business and personal information posted to social networks that you use for business. And remember that anything that you post online is part of a public record and can affect your business reputation.

Definitely focus on your business and educating your public on what you do and how you can help them as well as giving them tips. And then also show the culture of your company and what your own personal interests are to help find common ground and build rapport between you and prospective clients.

Be very clear about what goes on your personal page and what goes on your professional page, knowing that even though you have that separation online, just think of it as being a permanent record. You never know who is going to say something or cut and paste something that you write. Always be aware. You are an entrepreneur. Always remember to be professional online.

Connect with Your Top 3 Referral Partners:

It’s easy to get overwhelmed and spend too much time on social media. Concentrate on your top three referral sources. Comment on their pages and keep up with their profiles.

Start keeping in touch with your top three referral sources, either on their business page or also their personal profile as well.  Stay in touch with them, comment on their posts, share their content, and find opportunities where you can guest blog for each other. That is where you can move from the Visibility & Credibility part of the VCP process, and move more quickly to the profitability part of VCP.

Keep it small. After you’ve mastered connecting with your Top 3 Referral partners, you can move on to your top three clients and top three prospects.

Ask for Introductions:

Just because you connect with people online very easily does not mean that you can connect with them and then sell to them, or ask for referrals right away. You have to remember the VCP process of developing a relationship. The secret is to connect with people that you would either like to be in a business relationship with, whether it is referring or a client relationship. Connect with them online and just let that relationship grow. If there is something you can help them with, be there to help them. As that relationship grows and they get to know you better, you’ll find opportunities to meet in person. Maybe you can meet at a chamber mixer or they can visit your networking group. Find ways to build that relationship further at face-to-face meetings. From that point, the relationship can move to a much deeper level.

Ask your referral partners to promote you to your prospects. We have some good relationships in our Group, so ask someone here if they would mind giving you a testimonial when the time is right. Then together you can strategize how to best develop the relationship further. It should be done in a very authentic and sincere way ,but also in a strategic way. That is the secret of combining online networking with in-person networking – using social media as a tool to connect with the people you want to build business & personal relationships with.